Mergers and Acquisitions


 Friday, January 17th: 11:15am-12:15pm

Description of Session

According to recent headlines in the national media and higher education publications, over two dozen HEI’s will have closed by the end of 2024. As alumni of one of the industry’s most prestigious management/ leadership development programs, we and our fellow graduates are often recruited for leadership roles at tuition dependent small private colleges and regional comprehensive universities.  These institutions are likely struggling with alarming challenges of enrollment and tuition discounting.  We will face the “leadership moment” where we need to work with our boards and institutions to discern whether our missions are sustainable and the if, when, and how we should consider merging with another institution. This panel interactive panel discussion will be led by Exec Doc alumni and faculty with extensive expertise in the financial, cultural, and operational opportunities and challenges associated with higher education mergers and acquisition strategies.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          


Full speaker bios available here

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 Fredrik Leuheusen (C15)


Consulting Manager- Higher Education Strategy & Operations 

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Peter Garland

Vice Chancellor Emeritus | Pennsylvania's State System of Higher Education


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Julee Gard (C21)

Vice President for Administration & Finance and Chief Financial Officer at the University of St. Francis in Joliet, IL


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Anthony Rini (C9)

Senior Leader at Northeastern University



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Jonathan Wexler (C19)

Vice President for Enrollment Management at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 



Keynote Address: Erwin Chemerinsky

Master Class with Peter Eckel