Course Syllabus

Wharton PhD Tech Camp - Summer 2023



Atiye Cansu Erol

Office: JMHH 532.2



Office Hours:

By appointment


Class Time:

MWF 10:30AM – 12:00PM from August 7th through August 25th, 2023

Our first class will meet on Monday, August 7th

We will meet in-person unless there is a new update in the university guidelines.


Room: JMHH F50


Course Description:

The aim of this course is to familiarize incoming and current Wharton Ph.D. students with the basic technical skills and tools required for empirical research. The course is primarily concerned with acquiring, cleaning, managing, and analyzing data. It will provide hands-on experience using variety of computing tools, including intro-level machine learning and natural language processing techniques.  At the end of this short-term course, students will have a better understanding of what tools are most appropriate for different data analysis tasks at hand, and how they fit into their research pipeline.



There is no prerequisite for this course. Students with no programming experience will likely benefit the most, but students with prior experience will also learn how their programming skills fit into a larger empirical research pipeline. Feel free to attend the sessions selectively. Auditing is welcome. There is no exam.



Day 1 (Aug 7th) - Intro to R : data structures, loops, functions, logic tests

Day 2 (Aug 9th)- Data Wrangling

Day 3 (Aug 11th) - Relational Data

Days 4 & 5 (Aug 14th -16th) - Data Visualization(base plots, ggplot2, Word Clouds, Maps)

Day 6 (Aug 18th)- NLP

Days 7 & 8  (Aug 21st – 23rd)- Machine Learning

Day 9 (Aug 25th)- General info about HPCC & some comments on causality if we have time

Course Summary:

Date Details Due